VMD-L Mailing List
From: Atila Petrosian (atila.petrosian_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Oct 30 2015 - 06:17:27 CDT
- Next message: Diego Vazquez: "Re: netcdf trajectory file"
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Dear Diego,
Thanks for your answer.
I converted .mdcrd file to .nc file. In VMD, there is amber7 parm in file
type section of molecule file browser window. But there is no netcdf in
file type section.
After loading .prmtop as AMBER7 parm, how to load .nc file as netcdf? I
load .nc file, but nothing happened.
I have a general question. Is there all things needed for analysis of
trajectory in .nc file?
After converting .mdcrd files to .nc files, can I deleted .mdcrd files?
There is no enough memory in my computer system.
On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Diego Vazquez <dsvazquez86_at_gmail.com>
> Dear Atila,
> Just load your .prmtop as AMBER7 parm and the .nc file into the prmtop as
> NetCDF...that's all!
> On 30 October 2015 at 04:22, Atila Petrosian <atila.petrosian_at_gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear vmd users,
>> I saw my amber trajectories by loading *.prmtop and *.mdcrd fils.
>> Now, I have *.netcdf file instead of *.mdcrd file.
>> In this case, how to see my new trajectory using vmd?
>> Best,
>> Atila
> --
> **************************************************
> Lic. Diego Sebastian Vazquez
> Laboratorio de Biofísica de Proteínas
> IQUIFIB - Departamento de Química Biológica
> Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica
> Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
> Junín 956 (1113)
> Tel: 1534476306
> dsv_at_qb.ffyb.uba.ar
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- Previous message: Diego Vazquez: "Re: netcdf trajectory file"
- In reply to: Diego Vazquez: "Re: netcdf trajectory file"
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