VMD-L Mailing List
From: Francesco Pietra (chiendarret_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon May 16 2016 - 02:45:55 CDT
- Next message: Dive, Aniruddha Mukund: "TCL script to track molecules moving within a specified region each time frame"
- Previous message: Aman Jindal: "labeling index of atoms of a particular type"
- Next in thread: Francesco Pietra: "Re: CHARMM36 alleged missing CC CT1 NH2 angle params"
- Reply: Francesco Pietra: "Re: CHARMM36 alleged missing CC CT1 NH2 angle params"
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By using VMD in text mode (psfgen) with CHARMM36, I am getting error in MD
ERROR: Unable to find angleparams for CC CT1 NH2 (atoms 2971 2974 2980)
Actually, ID/atomtype is
2971 NH2
2974 CT1
2980 CC
for a CYS ligand made NH2 with PRES NNEU.
In used top_all36_prot.prm, angleparams for
do exist.
Thanks for advice
francesco pietra
Could the issue arise from having
- Next message: Dive, Aniruddha Mukund: "TCL script to track molecules moving within a specified region each time frame"
- Previous message: Aman Jindal: "labeling index of atoms of a particular type"
- Next in thread: Francesco Pietra: "Re: CHARMM36 alleged missing CC CT1 NH2 angle params"
- Reply: Francesco Pietra: "Re: CHARMM36 alleged missing CC CT1 NH2 angle params"
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