VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ajasja Ljubetič (ajasja.ljubetic_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jun 24 2016 - 06:52:47 CDT
- Next message: Jean-Patrick Francoia: "Move center of volmap.dx"
- Previous message: Kevin C Chan: "GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- In reply to: Kevin C Chan: "GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- Maybe reply: Kevin C Chan: "Re: GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
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In principle you can set the viewpoint and all the representation
attributes from Tcl. (Log to console is invaluable for such purposes).
Ypu can also open a state file (it's just normal TCL). But usually paths
are saved as absolute, which might be a problem if you are moving stuff to
an new computer.
Then you would only have to send the the script and pdb file for each frame
to the nodes and run the rendering from the command line.
On 24 June 2016 at 12:05, Kevin C Chan <cchan2242-c_at_my.cityu.edu.hk> wrote:
> Dear Users,
> I have some nodes with GPU cards usually for MD simulations. As tachyon
> rendering of VMD seems to support GPU acceleration and tachyon rendering of
> transparent is SOOOO slow, I am wondering whether VMD could save perfectly
> a viewpoint (maybe as a visualization state?) and then being able to be
> sourced on a CLI node with a tachyon rendering tcl script. In this way,
> single or even multiple renders with transparent components could be done
> easily by scripting.
> Any experience shared would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Kevin
> City University of Hong Kong
- Next message: Jean-Patrick Francoia: "Move center of volmap.dx"
- Previous message: Kevin C Chan: "GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- In reply to: Kevin C Chan: "GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
- Maybe reply: Kevin C Chan: "Re: GPU acceleration on tachyon rendering"
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