VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arham Amouie (erham65t_at_REMOVE_yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Aug 07 2016 - 03:13:52 CDT
- Next message: Vermaas, Joshua: "Re: Aligning a dcd file of a protein consisting two chains"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: processing a large "molecule""
- In reply to: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: processing a large "molecule""
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Thank you Dr. Kohlmeyer. Really helpful.
From: Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey_at_gmail.com>
To: Arham Amouie <erham65t_at_yahoo.com>
Cc: "vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu" <vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu>
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2016 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: vmd-l: processing a large "molecule"
On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Arham Amouie <erham65t_at_remove_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi. I've written the following tcl script to change the beta value of all
> the atoms of a large "molecule", composed of about 500,000 atoms:
> set crystal [atomselect top "all"]
> set atomsNo [$crystal num]
> $crystal delete
> for {set i 0} {$i < $atomsNo} {incr i} {
> set atom_i [atomselect top "index $i"]
> set atomcolor [$atom_i get beta]
> if {$atomcolor < 0.02} {
> $atom_i set beta 0
> } else {
> $atom_i set beta 1.0
> }
> $atom_i delete
> }
> But it's extremely slow. How can I write a much faster script? Is it
> possible within VMD?
yes. in general, you would not create individual atom selections, but
extract, operate, and loop on lists instead and then assign the list
in one go outside the loop.
since your operation on the atoms itself is extremely simple, it can
be done with even less code, without a loop and just two atom
set sel [atomselect top "beta < 0.02"]
$sel set beta 0
$sel delete
set sel [atomselect top "beta > 0"]
$sel set beta 1.0
$sel delete
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_gmail.com http://goo.gl/1wk0 College of Science & Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Italy.
- Next message: Vermaas, Joshua: "Re: Aligning a dcd file of a protein consisting two chains"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: processing a large "molecule""
- In reply to: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: processing a large "molecule""
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