VMD-L Mailing List
From: AMIT PALIWAL (paliwal_at_jhu.edu)
Date: Sat May 08 2004 - 23:43:13 CDT
- Next message: Olga Kravchenko: "RE: trouble loading dcd files"
- Previous message: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: VMD: Potential Energy Calculation"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: trouble loading dcd files"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: trouble loading dcd files"
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Hi All,
I have the latest VMD version 1.8.2 instaled on windows xp system and am trying to load a NAMD generated dcd file. VMD does load it and shows correct number of frames but fails to display it properly. Even if I create a rep in graphics window and select all- it shows everything in white and looks like only the waters are represented even then. Selecting protein with its segname also fails to show anything. I have even tried loading the PSF first i.e. loading it and then leaving it highlighted in menu and then opening DCD file but no improvements. Is it a bug? or I am missing something basic...
- Next message: Olga Kravchenko: "RE: trouble loading dcd files"
- Previous message: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: VMD: Potential Energy Calculation"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: trouble loading dcd files"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: trouble loading dcd files"
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