From: Ramon Guixà (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2017 - 06:25:44 CDT

I see, ok, thanks a lot Axel.


On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 1:01 PM, Axel Kohlmeyer <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Ramon Guixà <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> Well, I though there was a VMD plugin meant to handle remote
>> visualization of trajectories. Nevertheless, your suggestion is definitely
>> handy.
> ​for remote visualization, you don't need a VMD plugin. rather you either
> need an OpenGL capable remote desktop software and launch VMD​ then
> remotely and used the matching remote desktop viewer locally, or run VMD
> remotely and use X11 forwarding and GLX (embedding of OpenGL into X11_ to
> redirect VMD's windows to your local machine. this latter option requires
> compatible software and X11 and OpenGL configuration on both ends (not
> common). the difference between these two methods is, that in the first
> case the rendering would be done remotely using the remote desktop software
> and then pass the rendered screen output to a "viewer" software in a way
> somewhat similar to video streaming (it is still interactive, though). in
> the second case, only the realization of the visualization is done
> remotely, the rendering is don't local from the OpenGL instructions
> embedded into the forwarded X11 display. there are benefits and
> disadvantages for each variant.
> axel.
>> Thanks!
>> Ramon
>> On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 6:47 PM, Vermaas, Joshua <
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Ramon,
>>> The simplest way I've found to do this is actually completely
>>> independent of VMD. On Linux systems (and maybe windows or Mac systems, I
>>> just haven't had the need to figure this out), you can remotely mount
>>> filesystems that reside on remote filesystems with sshfs, an ssh
>>> filesystem. In this way, remote files act exactly like local ones, albeit
>>> with slightly slower file transfer rates (this depends on your network)--001a1143d9fa955c0b054bf0f611--