From: Ajasja Ljubetič (
Date: Fri Sep 01 2017 - 06:34:59 CDT


You're not giving a whole lot of details, so my advice will be generic as
well. Usually I split my trajectories into 1 ns chunks and then I use gnu
parallel <> to run analysis scripts
in parallel.

If you mean the parallel tcl command
<> you have to
compile VMD with MPI support and have MPI installed. But I guess this is
meant for large clusters of computers not just a four core processor (or
two, in case of hyper-threading).


On 1 September 2017 at 12:59, Saikat Pal <>

> Dear all,
> I want o install VMD IN parallel to analysis data.What should I do ??I
> have already installed VMD in serial mode .In my computer there are 4
> processors are available.Please help me out .
> Thanks And Regards,
> Saikat