VMD-L Mailing List
From: Jordi Bujons (jordi.bujons_at_iqac.csic.es)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2018 - 12:13:01 CDT
- Next message: Funzo_at_seznam.cz: "Porcupine plot with nmwiz"
- Previous message: Stefan Doerr: "Re: psfgen building fails due to locale"
- Next in thread: Sebastián Gutiérrez: "Re: Timeline error"
- Reply: Sebastián Gutiérrez: "Re: Timeline error"
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I am always getting the following error:
Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj called with non-existent border!
Abortado (`core' generado)
when I try to save the results from a Timeline calculation (VMD Timeline >
File > Write data file). I have observed the same with different versions of
linux (OpenSuse Leap 42.3, Ubuntu 18.0.4,.) installed on different machines.
Has any body else observed this? Any clues to solve it?
Jordi Bujons, PhD
Dept. of Biological Chemistry (QB)
Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC)
National Research Council of Spain (CSIC)
Address: Jordi Girona 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: <tel:%2B34%20934006100%20ext.%201291> +34 934006100 ext. 1291
FAX: <tel:%2B34%20932045904> +34 932045904
<mailto:jordi.bujons_at_iqac.csic.es> jordi.bujons_at_iqac.csic.es
<http://www.iqac.csic.es> http://www.iqac.csic.es
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- Next message: Funzo_at_seznam.cz: "Porcupine plot with nmwiz"
- Previous message: Stefan Doerr: "Re: psfgen building fails due to locale"
- Next in thread: Sebastián Gutiérrez: "Re: Timeline error"
- Reply: Sebastián Gutiérrez: "Re: Timeline error"
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