From: Prabir Khatua (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2019 - 17:15:56 CST

Hi VMD Users,

I installed the Orient package following the instructions that are given in
VMD website. I have added the following lines in .vmdrc as well

lappend auto_path /my_path/la1.0
lappend autol_path /my_path/orient

However, I am getting an error 'can't find pacakge Orient', while I am
'package require Orient' in the tk console. In fact, I have checked whether
.vmdrc file is sourced by adding a line like puts stderr "sourcing .vmdrc
right now" as I found in vmd mailing library and this message is being
displayed on loading vmd. Can anyone please suggest me how to make Orient

Happy New Year!


*Prabir Khatua*
*Postdoctoral Research Associate*
*Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry*
*University of Oklahoma*
*Norman, Oklahoma 73019*
*U. S. A.*