VMD-L Mailing List
From: Oscar Bastidas (obastida_at_umn.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 06 2019 - 12:41:08 CDT
- Next message: Santhosh Ranga: "query on how to allow the protein to interact with the water molecules"
- Previous message: Reza Esmaeeli: "macOS Catalina"
- Next in thread: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] Question for Installing Plugin for VMD on Mac"
- Reply: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] Question for Installing Plugin for VMD on Mac"
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I have recently begun using a Mac where I have VMD installed and I would
like to know where the VMD files for plugins and the such are stored on
this platform. I have checked online but everyone just references the
Application folder where the main launching VMD icon is stored and no
ancillary folders for plugins or anything else is located there.
Running VMD and typing the following at the command line certainly yields
what seems to be the location of the VMD files, but it points to the
aforementioned Application folder:
global env; puts $env(VMDDIR)
Is it impossible to install plugins on VMD on a Mac? Thanks.
Oscar Bastidas, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Minnesota
- Next message: Santhosh Ranga: "query on how to allow the protein to interact with the water molecules"
- Previous message: Reza Esmaeeli: "macOS Catalina"
- Next in thread: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] Question for Installing Plugin for VMD on Mac"
- Reply: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] Question for Installing Plugin for VMD on Mac"
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