From: Owen Vickery (
Date: Mon Apr 20 2020 - 05:08:47 CDT

Further to this, it seems that if you colour by beta it colours between N
and C, whilst everything else colours/selects between the Ca atoms.
Does anyone know how to fix this or send a bug report?

On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 14:07, Vickery, Owen <>

> Hi
> I'm having a issue with the residue selection in the cartoons.
> For example if I select resid 2, the section of cartoon that is shown is
> half of resid 1 and half of resid 2.
> Basically it shows the cartoon from Ca to Ca instead of N to C and
> centered on the Ca.
> The colouring is correct, because if I colour resid 2 red it colours
> between N and C so it is just the selection criteria which is wrong.
> This issue is present in 1.9.3 and 1.9.4a and happens on multiple
> computers.
> Does anyone know how to fix this or where in the install files I can fix
> it.
> Cheers
> Owen