VMD-L Mailing List
From: Francesco Pietra (chiendarret_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sat May 23 2020 - 03:20:02 CDT
- Next message: HEMANTH H: "Re: Writing DCD files using animate"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: compiling VMD with cuda from source"
- Next in thread: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: Electrostatic potential maps"
- Reply: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: Electrostatic potential maps"
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Hi all
I am looking for a general script for electrostatic potential maps from
cube files produced by the python script mep.py from ORCA data.
francesco pietra
- Next message: HEMANTH H: "Re: Writing DCD files using animate"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: compiling VMD with cuda from source"
- Next in thread: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: Electrostatic potential maps"
- Reply: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: Electrostatic potential maps"
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