VMD-L Mailing List
From: Marcelo C. R. Melo (melomcr_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Aug 03 2020 - 17:26:11 CDT
- Next message: Yasser Almeida-Hernandez: "Error Qbug=3F=29=20with=20Simulated=20annealing=20in?= QFFTK-Bond/Angle=20opt?="
- Previous message: Keister, Bradley: "Re: building VMD with Ubuntu 18.04"
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Dear list,
I am trying to optimize the parameters for bonds in a molecule and failing
to get reasonable values.
To isolate the issue, I tried using the simple ethanol example provided in
the FFTK tutorial, but I still get unreasonably low values for the force
constant between carbon and oxygen atoms. (relevant files for the minimal
example are in
More specifically, after optimizing the geometry of the molecule and
calculating the Hessian (all with ORCA), I move to the "Opt. Bonded" tab
and manually enter the bonded term to be optimized (CG321 OG311), giving it
initial values close to the expected (300 kcal/mole/A**2 and 1.4 A).
The issue is that I am constantly getting values for the force constant of
around 99 kcal/mole/A**2.
The value reached in the tutorial is around 358 kcal/mole/A**2.
The relevant line in CGenFF's parameter file is:
CG321 OG311 428.00 1.4200 ! PROT methanol vib fit EMB 11/21/89
Clearly there is a large difference between the values I get and those in
the tutorial (and CGenFF). Granted, I am using ORCA and the tutorial uses
Gaussian, yet the values should be comparable.
I am using the latest VMD release and I tried both NAMD 2.13 and 2.14b.
Also tried tuning the parameters in the simulated annealing procedure, but
with no significant change (always reaching force constant values ~95).
Further optimizing the geometry also did not help.
My current suspicion is that the 2-job Hessian calculation in ORCA is not
saving the output properly, and may be throwing off the parameter fitting.
The hessian calculation (job 1) ends normally, but job 2 complains about
the geometry optimization not having converged (see file "hess.out"). I
imagine this is just a trick to write the hessian to file, but I can't see
other issues right now.
Could someone suggest a direction to debug this problem?
- Next message: Yasser Almeida-Hernandez: "Error Qbug=3F=29=20with=20Simulated=20annealing=20in?= QFFTK-Bond/Angle=20opt?="
- Previous message: Keister, Bradley: "Re: building VMD with Ubuntu 18.04"
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