VMD-L Mailing List
From: John Stone (johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu)
Date: Thu Dec 10 2020 - 11:47:29 CST
- Next message: Antonija Tomić: "Problem with rendering modified bond label position with Tachyon"
- Previous message: Ashma Khan: "(no subject)"
- In reply to: Geist, Norman: "Re: Movie Making Troubles"
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Hi Norman,
I've updated the script library with your new version:
John Stone
On Wed, Dec 09, 2020 at 09:45:35AM +0100, Geist, Norman wrote:
> Hey,
> a while ago Iâ**ve wrote some API for easier user defined animations for
> movies in VMD. There, it would be pretty easy to do.
> [1]https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/script_library/scripts/userani/
> Iâ**ve also updated it a bit and will append the new files, maybe someone
> will update it in the online VMD script library ;)
> Let me know if you need help
> Bests
> Norman Geist
> Am Mittwoch, den 09-12-2020 um 03:00 schrieb Josh Vermaas:
> Hi Demetrius,
> Do you have an example from others that highlights what you want to do?
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by several molecules moving in
> different directions. Fundamentally, animations are just a series of
> still images. The movie maker and VCR tools are one way of orchestrating
> the production process, but aren't the only possibilities.
> -Josh
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 6:02 PM Demy Hernandez
> <[2]demy.hernandez00_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello VMD Community,
> I am attempting to create a movie in VMD where it appears that several
> molecules are moving in different directions at the same time. I am
> having trouble accomplishing this, I am using the built in Movie Maker
> and ViewChangeRender tools.
> Is there any way to do this?
> Respectfully,
> Demetrius
> References
> Visible links
> 1. https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/script_library/scripts/userani/
> 2. mailto:demy.hernandez00_at_gmail.com
> UserAni 0.92 - VMD Easy User Defined Movie Animation System
> -----------
> AUTHOR: Norman Geist, Greifswald 2020 (norman.geist_at_uni-greifswald.de)
> REQUIREMENTS: tested with VMD 1.9.2 and above
> VMD offers the Extension->Visualization:Movie Maker where one can select "user defined procedure". To actually use this feature
> one would need to write a procedure to be called on trace of the variable "$::MovieMaker::userframe". As it requires a lot
> of scripting effort to write detailed and reusable animation procedures in that way,
> especially if multiple things should happen in parallel, I developed this easy to use and to extend automatic animation system.
> With this system its possible to create animated movies without real experience in TCL programming, as long
> as one can stay with the animations already implemented. Creating new, own animation procedures is also quite
> easy, as a smart skeleton can be used.
> General system keynotes :
> - The user plans to play across all frames loaded while performing different animations, a step is possible.
> - The user is supposed to write his animation story board to a file to be sourced to VMD console (or better TK Console).
> - The number of frames (top mol) and the trajectory step size set in the Movie Maker window
> control the movie duration. (Changes to the MovieMaker trj step or the top mol requires redefining the time sections,
> which mean re-source the animation script)
> - The user creates a timeline using time sections. The user then adds animations to this timeline.
> The animation system will care about when to call which animation procedure automatically, internally,
> after "Make Movie" has been clicked.
> Two types of animations are possible:
> 1. Specially prepared "userani" procedures, useful whereever progressive threatment among frames is required,
> they are used with "add_userani".
> 2. Any TCL or VMD command. Use "VMD Main->File->Log TCL commands to console" to get commands for
> things while doing them by hand. They are added with "add_eval".
> For now the most useful features of this system are: Auto-Zoom; Auto-Center; Material Fading; Rotations,
> Graphical representation of the animation story,
> Unlimited parallel actions;
> test.tcl
> --------
> #include the animation system (should be the 1st line)
> source userani.tcl
> #example for resets on start
> add_section kickoff -start first; #no end means 1 frame
> add_eval kickoff display resetview; #reset view on frame 0
> #some action
> add_section rotx -after kickoff -shiftend 10%; #no end means 1 frame + 10%
> add_userani rotx AutoFocusAllVisible; #Apply auto centering
> add_userani rotx AutoScaleAllVisible; #Apply auto zoom
> add_userani rotx rotate x 360; #rotate x by 360 degrees during section rotx
> add_section zoomout -after rotx -shiftend 10%;
> add_userani zoomout FadeZoomFromCurrent 0.5; #fade out zoom to half the current start value
> add_section end -after zoomout -end last -noplay; #until end not playing trj
> add_userani end rotate x 360;
> add_userani end rotate y -360;
> add_userani end rotate z 180;
> #output settings on source
> print_story
> print_timeline 1.2
> --------
> Source to vmd after having a system loaded. Then in Movie Maker click "Make Movie" and see the magic happen.
> add_section secname [-start start] [-end end] [-step step] \
> [-shiftstart shift] [-shiftend shift] [-shiftall shift] \
> [-like sectionname] || [-after sectionname] [-noplay]
> special keywords: first,last, n% where n can be any decimal number
> defaults for ungiven values: start = 0; step = trjstep; end = start+step (same happens if a value equals "-1")
> args: -start start - Define the starting time of the section.
> -end end - Define the end time of the section.
> -step step - Define the step within the time section.
> -like secname - Copy start,step and end value from given secname.
> -after secname - Copy end value as own start from given secname.
> -shiftstart shift - Add a value of shift to the start value.
> -shiftend shift - Add a value of shift to the end value.
> -shiftall shift - Add a value of shift to both start and end.
> -noplay - Trajectory will not play (if section has an action)
> Used to create a timeline, departing the trajectory into time sections. This sections can overlap as you like,
> to perform parallel actions. Sections can easily be based on each other, making it easy to start one section,
> after another specific section has finished. Order of options is important. Its for example possible to
> use -like and change any value afterwards again f.i. by using one of the -shift* options.
> expr% expression - To make it easier calculating with "n%" values, a little wrapper function "expr%" is available, ignoring
> the "%" signs. Using the classical modulo operator of course isn't therefore possible with it.
> smooth window molid - Enable coordinate smoothing over <window> frames for all representations of <molid>
> userani_maxprog - Used to control the maxium step of the userani_Auto* functions.
> add_userani secname functionname args - Add a userani_* animation to the story. The functionname is prepended with "userani_".
> add_eval secname tclcommand - Just add any TCL command to the story.
> print_story - Output a list of animation actions added.
> print_sections - Output a list of time sections defined.
> print_timeline scalefactor - Output a graphical representation of the defined time sections. (very useful)
> Current userani_* list:
> FadeTransparency material startvalue endvalue - Fade the Opacity value of a given material from startvalue to endvalue.
> FadeMaterialProperty material property startvalue endvalue - Fade the Property value of a given material from startvalue to endvalue.
> FadeZoom startvalue endvalue - Fade the scale (zoom) from startvalue to endvalue.
> FadeZoomFromCurrent factor - Fade the scale (zoom) from the current value by a factor.
> FadeOutTranslate * - Fade the global graphical translation offset to zero.
> rotate x|y|z degrees - Animated rotatation around a axis (x|y|z) for a specific angle degrees.
> (as this rotations are global, simultanous rotations around different
> axes by f.i. 360 will not recover the correct starting orientation,
> as the axes around which are rotated do also change)
> rotatemol molid x|y|z degrees - Animated (real) rotation around a axis (x|y|z) for a specific angle degrees.
> movemol molid {x y z} - Animated (real) translation by {x y z}.
> AutoFocusAllVisible * - Automatically translate the view graphically so that the COM of all
> visible (displayed molecules and representation) is in the middle
> of the graphics window.
> AutoFocusMolidsVisible {molid molid} * - Automatically translate the view graphically so that the COM of all
> visible in selected molids is in the middle
> of the graphics window.
> AutoFocusMolRepVisible molid repid * - Automatically translate the view graphically so that the COM of all
> visible in selected molid and repid is in the middle
> of the graphics window.
> AutoScaleAllVisible [scalefactor] * - Automatically apply a zoom factor so that all visible
> (displayed molecules and representation) is inside the viewport.
> AutoScaleMolidsVisible {molid molid} [scalefactor] * - Automatically apply a zoom factor so that all visible
> in selected molids is inside the viewport.
> AutoScaleMolRepVisible molid repid [scalefactor] * - Automatically apply a zoom factor so that all visible in selected molid
> and repid is inside the viewport.
> raster_replicas shiftX shiftY - Animate rastering of REMD replicas from aligned bunch.
> ( * This functions knowingly don't scale among the whole time range given, building
> a compromise between "smooth animation" and "keeping" the focus/zoom suitable while playing the trj )
> Current other list:
> raster_replicas shiftX shiftY - Non animated rastering of REMD replicas from aligned bunch.
> dummy - Dummy function. Can be used for -noplay sections which must have
> an action in order to take effect.
> TransparencyStalker - A nice helper function thatUserAni 0.91 - VMD Easy User Defined Movie Animation System
> -----------
> AUTHOR: Norman Geist, Greifswald 2014 (norman.geist_at_uni-greifswald.de)
> REQUIREMENTS: tested with VMD 1.9.2, 1.9.2a35, 1.9.2b1
> VMD offers the Extension->Visualization:Movie Maker where one can select "user defined procedure". To actually use this feature
> one would need to write a procedure to be called on trace of the variable "$::MovieMaker::userframe". As it requires a lot
> of scripting effort to write detailed and reusable animation procedures in that way,
> especially if multiple things should happen in parallel, I developed this easy to use and to extend automatic animation system.
> With this system its possible to create animated movies without real experience in TCL programming, as long
> as one can stay with the animations already implemented. Creating new, own animation procedures is also quite
> easy, as a smart skeleton can be used.
> General system keynotes :
> - The user plans to play across all frames loaded while performing different animations, a step is possible.
> - The user is supposed to write his animation story board to a file to be sourced to VMD console (or better TK Console).
> - The number of frames (top mol) and the trajectory step size set in the Movie Maker window
> control the movie duration. (Changes to the MovieMaker trj step or the top mol requires redefining the time sections,
> which mean re-source the animation script)
> - The user creates a timeline using time sections. The user then adds animations to this timeline.
> The animation system will care about when to call which animation procedure automatically, internally,
> after "Make Movie" has been clicked.
> Two types of animations are possible:
> 1. Specially prepared "userani" procedures, useful whereever progressive threatment among frames is required,
> they are used with "add_userani".
> 2. Any TCL or VMD command. Use "VMD Main->File->Log TCL commands to console" to get commands for
> things while doing them by hand. They are added with "add_eval".
> For now the most useful features of this system are:
> - Animated Auto-Zoom
> - Animated Auto-Center
> - Material Transparency Fading
> - Material Property Fading
> - Rotations real and graphically
> - Graphical representation of the animation story board
> - Unlimited parallel actions
> test.tcl
> --------
> #include the animation system (should be the 1st line)
> source userani.tcl
> #example for resets on start
> add_section kickoff -start first; #no end means 1 frame
> add_eval kickoff display resetview; #reset view on frame 0
> #some action
> add_section rotx -after kickoff -shiftend 10%; #no end means 1 frame + 10%
> add_userani rotx AutoFocusAllVisible; #Apply auto centering
> add_userani rotx AutoScaleAllVisible; #Apply auto zoom
> add_userani rotx rotate x 360; #rotate x by 360 degrees during section rotx
> add_section zoomout -after rotx -shiftend 10%;
> add_userani zoomout FadeZoomFromCurrent 0.5; #fade out zoom to half the current start value
> add_section end -after zoomout -end last -noplay; #until end not playing trj
> add_userani end rotate x 360;
> add_userani end rotate y -360;
> add_userani end rotate z 180;
> #output settings on source
> print_story
> print_timeline 1.2
> --------
> Source to vmd after having a system loaded. Then in Movie Maker click "Make Movie" and see the magic happen.
> add_section secname [-start start] [-end end] [-step step] \
> [-shiftstart shift] [-shiftend shift] [-shiftall shift] \
> [-like sectionname] || [-after sectionname] [-noplay]
> special keywords: first,last, n% where n can be any decimal number
> defaults for ungiven values: start = 0; step = trjstep; end = start+step (same happens if a value equals "-1")
> args:
> -start start - Define the starting time of the section.
> -end end - Define the end time of the section.
> -step step - Define the step within the time section.
> -like secname - Copy start,step and end value from given secname.
> -after secname - Copy end value as own start from given secname.
> -shiftstart shift - Add a value of shift to the start value.
> -shiftend shift - Add a value of shift to the end value.
> -shiftall shift - Add a value of shift to both start and end.
> -noplay - Trajectory will not play (if section has an action)
> Used to create a timeline, departing the trajectory into time sections. This sections can overlap as you like,
> to perform parallel actions. Sections can easily be based on each other, making it easy to start one section,
> after another specific section has finished. Order of options is important. Its for example possible to
> use -like and change any value afterwards again f.i. by using one of the -shift* options.
> expr% expression - To make it easier calculating with "n%" values, a little wrapper function "expr%" is available,
> ignoring the "%" signs. Using the classical modulo operator of course isn't therefore possible with it.
> add_userani secname functionname args - Add a userani_* animation to the story. The functionname is prepended with "userani_".
> add_eval secname tclcommand - Just add any TCL command to the story.
> print_story - Output a list of animation actions added.
> print_sections - Output a list of time sections defined.
> print_timeline scalefactor - Output a graphical representation of the defined time sections. (very useful)
> Current userani_* list:
> FadeTransparency material startvalue endvalue - Fade the Opacity value of a given material from startvalue to endvalue.
> FadeMaterialProperty material property startvalue endvalue - Fade the Property value of a given material from startvalue to endvalue.
> FadeZoom startvalue endvalue - Fade the scale (zoom) from startvalue to endvalue.
> FadeZoomFromCurrent factor - Fade the scale (zoom) from the current value by a factor.
> FadeOutTranslate * - Fade the global graphical translation offset to zero.
> rotate x|y|z degrees - Animated rotatation around a axis (x|y|z) for a specific angle degrees.
> (as this rotations are global, simultanous rotations around different
> axes by f.i. 360 will not recover the correct starting orientation,
> as the axes around which are rotated do also change)
> rotatemol molid x|y|z degrees - Animated (real) rotation around a axis (x|y|z) for a specific angle degrees.
> movemol molid x|y|z degrees - Animated (real) translation by {x y z}.
> AutoFocusAllVisible * - Automatically translate the view graphically so that the COM of all
> visible (displayed molecules and representation) is in the middle
> of the graphics window.
> AutoFocusMolidsVisible {molid molid} * - Automatically translate the view graphically so that the COM of all
> visible in selected molids is in the middle
> of the graphics window.
> AutoFocusMolRepVisible molid repid * - Automatically translate the view graphically so that the COM of all
> visible in selected molid and repid is in the middle
> of the graphics window.
> AutoScaleAllVisible [scalefactor] * - Automatically apply a zoom factor so that all visible
> (displayed molecules and representation) is inside the viewport.
> AutoScaleMolidsVisible {molid molid} [scalefactor] * - Automatically apply a zoom factor so that all visible
> in selected molids is inside the viewport.
> AutoScaleMolRepVisible molid repid [scalefactor] * - Automatically apply a zoom factor so that all visible in selected molid
> and repid is inside the viewport.
> raster_replicas shiftX shiftY - Animate rastering of REMD replicas from aligned bunch.
> ( * This functions knowingly don't scale among the whole time range given, building
> a compromise between "smooth animation" and "keeping" the focus/zoom suitable while playing the trj )
> Current other list:
> raster_replicas shiftX shiftY - Non animated rastering of REMD replicas from aligned bunch.
> dummy - Dummy function. Can be used for -noplay sections which must have
> an action in order to take effect.
> TransparencyStalker - A nice helper function that will automatically disables
> representations that are fully transparent and re-enables
> them if they get visible again. This is useful to save time
> while not passing thing to the renderer that aren't visible at all.
> Can I start sectionB 10% after sectionA?
> add_section sectionB -after sectionA -shiftstart 10%
> Can I start sectionB 10 frames before sectionA?
> add_section sectionB -like sectionA -shiftstart -10
> Can I visualize the arrangement and order of my time sections?
> print_timeline
> How can I influence the width of print_timeline?
> print_timeline 0.7
> print_timeline 2.2
> Can I use TCL scripting to generate complex animations? (see exampleREMD.*)
> #fly and zoom from replica to replica among the raster
> set start 15%
> set each 4%
> set each2 2%
> for {set i 0} {$i < $num_replicas} {incr i} {
> if {$i == 0} {
> add_section focus${i} -start $start -end [expr% $start+$each]
> add_section autoscale${i} -like focus${i} -end [expr% $start+$each2]
> add_section zoomout${i} -like autoscale${i} -shiftall $each2
> } else {
> add_section focus${i} -like focus[expr $i-1] -shiftall $each
> add_section autoscale${i} -like autoscale[expr $i-1] -shiftall $each
> add_section zoomout${i} -like zoomout[expr $i-1] -shiftall $each
> }
> if {$i < [expr $num_replicas -1]} {
> add_userani zoomout${i} FadeZoomFromCurrent 0.5
> }
> add_userani focus${i} AutoFocusMolidsVisible $i
> add_userani autoscale${i} AutoScaleMolidsVisible $i
> }
> How can I invert $prog so it's running from 1 to 0?
> set prog [expr abs($prog-1)]
> How will trajectory step size in Movie Maker come together with section step?
> Both get multiplied to result in the overall section step.
> If a section ends at frame X and another starts at frame X, will they interfere?
> No. Sections are treated as: start >= now < end.
> Why one can use n% values for frames?
> Making animation scripts reusable for different simulations and easier to edit/adapt.
> I choosed a section as -noplay but it is still playing.
> Check if the section has an action, actually. (use f.i. add_eval secname dummy for fake action)
> Check if there are playing sections in the same time range.
> How can I realize a slow playing of my trajectory while keeping animations smooth?
> Simply define a noplay and a playing section for the same time range. Now select a step for
> the playing section. Example:
> add_section smoothrot -start first -end last -noplay
> add_section slowplay -like slow -step 10%
> add_userani smoothrot rotate y 360
> add_eval slowplay dummy()
> This will cause a smooth rotation with jumping frame changes.
> Can I let several parts of my system slowly appear and disappear?
> Just create representations with different materials and use "FadeTransparency".
> For appearings, you need to hide the representation before, of course, usually from a kickoff section.
> (f.i. add_eval kickoff material change opacity Glossy 0.)
> I have periodically shown representations and Auto*AllVisible* doesn seem to care?
> Sorry, this has't been implemented, yet. If enough people complain I might do it.
> How can I influence the zoom which is applied by the AutoScale* functions?
> Usually the automatically applied zoom is quite nice. But you can control the zoom
> by using the optional parameter zoomfactor. A value of 0.5 f.i. will cause
> half of the default zoom to be used, so you are twice as far away.
> userani.tcl
> exampleREMD.tcl
> To write your own animation procedures, you just need to understand the
> principle of the smart skeleton below. A value of $prog (0 > prog <= 1) and $part (1/sectionframes)
> is automatically passed to such functions as arguments. This values indicate either the progress of
> the time section or a constant step. Both can be used to scale any parameter to do f.i. fading or
> animated rotating for exact degrees across multiple steps, without
> any need to care about frames and frame ranges etc. Whenever the threatment of previous calls
> to a userani_* function persists (like global rotation, translation, scale, or noplay modifications
> via atomselect) use $part, otherwise $prog is of choice.
> It might be necessary to have both variants implemented decided by $play (see userani_rotatemol,
> userani_raster_replicas) as time sections can be set -noplay, means the coordinate frame
> won't change. You will find your additional arguments in $funcargs.
> Skeleton:
> proc userani_skeleton { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 2} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be whatever!"}
> }
> Example for $prog use:
> # args: material startvalue endvalue
> proc userani_FadeTransparency { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 3} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be material startval endval!"}
> set val [expr [lindex $funcargs 1] + ($prog * ([lindex $funcargs 2] - [lindex $funcargs 1]))]
> set mat [lindex $funcargs 0]
> eval "material change opacity $mat $val"
> }
> Example for $part use:
> #args: axis degrees
> proc userani_rotate { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 2} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be \[x|y|z\] degrees!"}
> set val [expr $part * [lindex $funcargs 1] ]
> eval "rotate [lindex $funcargs 0] by $val"
> }
> Example for both used, decided by $play:
> #args: molid axis degrees
> proc userani_rotatemol { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 3} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be molid \[x|y|z\] degrees!"}
> set molid [lindex $funcargs 0]
> set axis [lindex $funcargs 1]
> set degrees [lindex $funcargs 2]
> set sel [atomselect $molid "all"]
> if {[$sel num] > 0} {
> set val [expr $play == 1 ? $prog * $degrees : $part * $degrees ]
> set center [measure center $sel]
> set tran [trans center $center axis $axis $val ]
> $sel move $tran
> $sel delete
> } else {error "$me: ups, selection was empty, does molid exist!?"}
> }
> will automatically disables
> representations that are fully transparent and re-enables
> them if they get visible again. This is useful to save time
> while not passing thing to the renderer that aren't visible at all.
> Can I start sectionB 10% after sectionA?
> add_section sectionB -after sectionA -shiftstart 10%
> Can I start sectionB 10 frames before sectionA?
> add_section sectionB -like sectionA -shiftstart -10
> Can I visualize the arrangement and order of my time sections?
> print_timeline
> How can I influence the width of print_timeline?
> print_timeline 0.7
> print_timeline 2.2
> Can I use TCL scripting to generate complex animations? (see exampleREMD.*)
> #fly and zoom from replica to replica among the raster
> set start 15%
> set each 4%
> set each2 2%
> for {set i 0} {$i < $num_replicas} {incr i} {
> if {$i == 0} {
> add_section focus${i} -start $start -end [expr% $start+$each]
> add_section autoscale${i} -like focus${i} -end [expr% $start+$each2]
> add_section zoomout${i} -like autoscale${i} -shiftall $each2
> } else {
> add_section focus${i} -like focus[expr $i-1] -shiftall $each
> add_section autoscale${i} -like autoscale[expr $i-1] -shiftall $each
> add_section zoomout${i} -like zoomout[expr $i-1] -shiftall $each
> }
> if {$i < [expr $num_replicas -1]} {
> add_userani zoomout${i} FadeZoomFromCurrent 0.5
> }
> add_userani focus${i} AutoFocusMolidsVisible $i
> add_userani autoscale${i} AutoScaleMolidsVisible $i
> }
> How can I invert $prog so it's running from 1 to 0?
> set prog [expr abs($prog-1)]
> How will trajectory step size in Movie Maker come together with section step?
> Both get multiplied to result in the overall section step.
> If a section ends at frame X and another starts at frame X, will they interfere?
> No. Sections are treated as: start >= now < end.
> Why one can use n% values for frames?
> Making animation scripts reusable for different simulations and easier to edit/adapt.
> I choosed a section as -noplay but it is still playing.
> Check if the section has an action, actually. (use f.i. add_eval secname dummy for fake action)
> Check if there are playing sections in the same time range.
> How can I realize a slow playing of my trajectory while keeping animations smooth?
> Simply define a noplay and a playing section for the same time range. Now select a step for
> the playing section. Example:
> add_section smoothrot -start first -end last -noplay
> add_section slowplay -like slow -step 10%
> add_userani smoothrot rotate y 360
> add_eval slowplay dummy()
> This will cause a smooth rotation with jumping frame changes.
> Can I let several parts of my system slowly appear and disappear?
> Just create representations with different materials and use "FadeTransparency".
> For appearings, you need to hide the representation before, of course, usually from a kickoff section.
> (f.i. add_eval kickoff material change opacity Glossy 0.)
> I have periodically shown representations and Auto*AllVisible* doesn seem to care?
> Sorry, this has't been implemented, yet. If enough people complain I might do it.
> How can I influence the zoom which is applied by the AutoScale* functions?
> Usually the automatically applied zoom is quite nice. But you can control the zoom
> by using the optional parameter zoomfactor. A value of 0.5 f.i. will cause
> half of the default zoom to be used, so you are twice as far away.
> userani.tcl
> exampleREMD.tcl
> To write your own animation procedures, you just need to understand the
> principle of the smart skeleton below. A value of $prog (0 > prog <= 1) and $part (1/sectionframes)
> is automatically passed to such functions as arguments. This values indicate either the progress of
> the time section or a constant step. Both can be used to scale any parameter to do f.i. fading or
> animated rotating for exact degrees across multiple steps, without
> any need to care about frames and frame ranges etc. Whenever the threatment of previous calls
> to a userani_* function persists (like global rotation, translation, scale, or noplay modifications
> via atomselect) use $part, otherwise $prog is of choice.
> It might be necessary to have both variants implemented decided by $play (see userani_rotatemol,
> userani_raster_replicas) as time sections can be set -noplay, means the coordinate frame
> won't change. You will find your additional arguments in $funcargs.
> Skeleton:
> proc userani_skeleton { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 2} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be whatever!"}
> }
> Example for $prog use:
> # args: material startvalue endvalue
> proc userani_FadeTransparency { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 3} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be material startval endval!"}
> set val [expr [lindex $funcargs 1] + ($prog * ([lindex $funcargs 2] - [lindex $funcargs 1]))]
> set mat [lindex $funcargs 0]
> eval "material change opacity $mat $val"
> }
> Example for $part use:
> #args: axis degrees
> proc userani_rotate { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 2} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be \[x|y|z\] degrees!"}
> set val [expr $part * [lindex $funcargs 1] ]
> eval "rotate [lindex $funcargs 0] by $val"
> }
> Example for both used, decided by $play:
> #args: molid axis degrees
> proc userani_rotatemol { args } {
> set id [lindex $args 0]
> set prog [lindex $args 1]
> set part [lindex $args 2]
> set play [lindex $args 3]
> set funcargs [lindex $args 4]
> set me [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]
> #----
> if {[llength $funcargs] != 3} {error "$me:improper number of arguments:should be molid \[x|y|z\] degrees!"}
> set molid [lindex $funcargs 0]
> set axis [lindex $funcargs 1]
> set degrees [lindex $funcargs 2]
> set sel [atomselect $molid "all"]
> if {[$sel num] > 0} {
> set val [expr $play == 1 ? $prog * $degrees : $part * $degrees ]
> set center [measure center $sel]
> set tran [trans center $center axis $axis $val ]
> $sel move $tran
> $sel delete
> } else {error "$me: ups, selection was empty, does molid exist!?"}
> }
-- NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~johns/ Phone: 217-244-3349 http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/
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