VMD-L Mailing List
From: Andreas Kukol (a.kukol_at_herts.ac.uk)
Date: Sat Apr 17 2021 - 03:58:22 CDT
- Next message: juan.velasquez: "Tachyon Render not working"
- Previous message: Jason Smith: "Re: Rendering using GPU"
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I am trying to use QwikMD with the July 2020 version of the CHARMM36 force fields, while the build-in version seems to be from around 2012.
Would it be possible to do set-up with the QwikMD GUI and then copy the latest prm-files into the 'run' folder'?
I also noted that the topologies (rtf-files) were updated in the July 2020 version of CHARMM36, but I was unable to include those into the setup.
Many thanks
- Next message: juan.velasquez: "Tachyon Render not working"
- Previous message: Jason Smith: "Re: Rendering using GPU"
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