VMD-L Mailing List
From: GAGANJYOT KAUR BAKSHI (gaganjyot.bakshi_at_s.amity.edu)
Date: Wed May 03 2023 - 06:29:22 CDT
- Next message: Mortimer Hemmit: "Re: VMD 64-bit Windows OSPRay Initialization Error Possible Fix"
- Previous message: Efthymiou, Christos: "Re: Random Sudden Increase in RMSD Near End of Simulation"
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My simulation is interrupted in between and now i want to restart it. Please help me in restarting the run. What to change in the input file? I have changed the input name output name and firsttime step. Anything else need to be changed?
Thanks in advance.
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- Next message: Mortimer Hemmit: "Re: VMD 64-bit Windows OSPRay Initialization Error Possible Fix"
- Previous message: Efthymiou, Christos: "Re: Random Sudden Increase in RMSD Near End of Simulation"
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