VMD-L Mailing List
From: Diego Gomes (diego.enry_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu Nov 02 2023 - 12:58:25 CDT
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "Re: STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
- Previous message: Diego Gomes: "Re: Molefacture 2 does not generate angles & dihedrals"
- In reply to: Vasista: "STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
- Next in thread: Diego Gomes: "Re: STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
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Hi Vasista,
try this stride_by_pfrag.tcl script attached to this email.
Please bug me if this doesn't work for you. I'm also working on a
definitive solution for STRIDE.
Computing the Secondary Structure by fragment comes with a caveat. It may
result in less B-strands.
That is because the way they are defined depends on neighboring residues,
which may come from a different protein chain (fragment).
The scripts also solve a PDB format limitation due to fixed format. It
creates a tmp molecule for each fragment centers it prior to running STRIDE--0000000000000aa97d06092f2369--
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "Re: STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
- Previous message: Diego Gomes: "Re: Molefacture 2 does not generate angles & dihedrals"
- In reply to: Vasista: "STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
- Next in thread: Diego Gomes: "Re: STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: STRIDE breaks after 100,000 protein atoms"
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