VMD-L Mailing List
From: Isralewitz, Barry (isralewi_at_illinois.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 15 2024 - 08:54:20 CST
- Next message: Joel Subach: "Re: ffTK Calc Bonded Tab gbw file not recognized INQUIRY"
- Previous message: Joel Subach: "Re: ffTK Calc Bonded Tab gbw file not recognized INQUIRY"
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The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group at the University of Illinois has an opening for a position to contribute to the development of VMD, as well as to its neuroscience-focused sibling program VND.
Interested parties should consult with and apply at the official announcement for the position at UIUC <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://illinois.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/9522?c=illinois__;!!DZ3fjg!8RYe8L1DwOR_WBBy0hu4I72Zui0fUGoN3MO9l-oFlb_MMTa_CQ2zA9hX_t-YdvVsXoTK6gx_S_RmLhF2TU6zuHc$ > .
-- Barry Isralewitz Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group 3143 Beckman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Work Phone: (217) 300-1988 Email: isralewi_at_illinois.edu https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~barryi
- Next message: Joel Subach: "Re: ffTK Calc Bonded Tab gbw file not recognized INQUIRY"
- Previous message: Joel Subach: "Re: ffTK Calc Bonded Tab gbw file not recognized INQUIRY"
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