From: John Stone (
Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 10:42:25 CDT

Dear VMD-L,
  We have recently finished converting to using CVS for
our VMD revision control system in place of RCS. As a
side benefit of this change, we can now offer read-only
CVS access to interested VMD developers/users. This new
capability allows one to keep an up-to-date copy of the VMD
source tree on your local machine, which is very easy to
update. Instead of having to wait for us to make an "official"
alpha, beta, or production release of VMD, you can get the current
VMD code at any time, day or night. :-)

The VMD revision history is now auto-converted into an HTML
tree every night, and summarizes changes over the last 30 days
for those that would like to see what has changed in the source
code, but are not interested using the read-only CVS access.

In addition to the new read-only CVS access, we have also made our
bug tracking database system available for read-only access to the
outside world. This allows you to see what VMD bugs have been
filed, and any progress that has been made in fixing them.

These items are on the new "VMD Development" page located at:

We are interested in getting feedback on this new development
page, and any suggestions you may have are welcome!

Thanks for using VMD!
  The VMD Developers

Theoretical Biophysics Group   Email:
Beckman Institute    
University of Illinois         Phone:  (217) 244-3349
405 N. Mathews  Ave              FAX:  (217) 244-6078 
Urbana, IL 61801, USA          Unix Is Good For You!!!