From: Mgr. Lubos Vrbka (
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 05:00:35 CDT


you might find following script useful. usage is described in the .txt file.

best regards,

Mgr. Lubos Vrbka
Center for Biomolecules and Complex Molecular Systems
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic

SASA All Residue Calculator 1.2

REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.8.3 or greater

        1.1 fixed some wrong variable names
        1.2 fixed bug in internal representation of SASA values
                worked correctly only for selection 0 - some value, otherwise
                script is now using arrays instead of lists
        Script for detailed SASA analysis. Calculates SASA for every residue
        of a given selection (e.g. protein) ad prints it out. It can be used
        to identify residues more/less exposed to the solvent. Works also
        for whole trajectories, were it calculates average SASA value.

        Takes one frame after another. Splits given selection to single residues
        and calculates SASA for each of them by using
        measure sasa _radius_ _whole_sel_ -restrict _residue_
        This procedure can be very time consuming (360 residue protein, 2000 frames
        trajectory = 7 hours on 3GHz Athlon).
        See the script itself for more information.

        getAllResSASA - main procedure

        getAllResSASA "selection" probe_radius <startframe <endframe>>
        Optional startframe/endframe parameters define range of frames from
        the trajectory, that should be analyzed. If omitted, whole trajectory
        is parsed.
        source _sasa_res.tcl
        getAllResSASA "protein" 1.5 1 100
        This performs the analysis on frames 1 to 100 of the trajectory and
        prints average SASA values for every residue of the protein to file
        res_sasa.dat using following format
            residue resname SASA
            0 GLU 195.54
            1 THR 140.93
            2 THR 66.38
            3 ALA 7.58
            4 LEU 0.51
            5 VAL 0.59

        Lubos Vrbka (shnek (at) tiscali (dot) cz)

# version 1.2
# calculate SASA for every residue of a selection
# usage: getAllResSASA "selection" probe_radius <startframe <endframe>>

proc getAllResSASA { selection radius args } {
  puts "SASA value calculator for $selection residues, probe radius $radius"

  # get number of frames
  set numframes [molinfo top get numframes]
  puts "total number of frames in trajectory: $numframes"
  if {[llength $args] == 0} {
    set startframe 1
    set endframe $numframes
  if {[llength $args] == 1} {
    set startframe [lindex $args 0]
    set endframe $numframes
    set stepframe 1
    if {$startframe <= 0 || $startframe > $numframes} {
      puts "illegal value of startframe, changing to first frame"
      set startframe 1
  if {[llength $args] >= 2} {
    set startframe [lindex $args 0]
    set endframe [lindex $args 1]
    if {$startframe <= 0 || $startframe > $numframes} {
      puts "illegal value of startframe, changing to first frame"
      set startframe 1
    if {$endframe < $startframe || $endframe > $numframes} {
      puts "illegal value of endframe, changing to last frame"
      set endframe $numframes

  set totframes [expr ($endframe - $startframe + 1)]
  puts "analysis will be performed on $totframes frame(s) ($startframe to $endframe)"

  # get list of residues
  set allsel [atomselect top $selection]
  set residlist [lsort -unique -integer [ $allsel get residue ]]

  # resid map for every atom
  set allResid [$allsel get residue]
  # resname map for every atom
  set allResname [$allsel get resname]
  # create resid->resname map
  foreach resID $allResid resNAME $allResname {
    set mapResidResname($resID) $resNAME

  # set sasa for every residue to 0.0
  foreach r $residlist {
    set resSASA($r) 0.0
    # puts "setting 0.0 for residue $r"
  # now subtract 1 from all frame indexes - numbering starts with 0
  set startframe [expr $startframe - 1]
  set endframe [expr $endframe - 1]

  puts "go and get coffee..."
  for {set i $startframe; set d 1} {$i <= $endframe} {incr i; incr d} {
    # show activity - one dot for every frame
    puts -nonewline "."
    if { [expr $d % 50] == 0 } {
      puts " "
    flush stdout
    $allsel frame $i
    $allsel update
    foreach r $residlist {
      set sel [atomselect top "residue $r" frame $i]
      set rsasa [measure sasa $radius $allsel -restrict $sel]
      # set user value for this frame
      $sel set user $rsasa
      $sel delete
      set valuesasa 0.0
      foreach {tmp valuesasa} [split [array get resSASA $r] ] break
      # puts "residue $r, sasa: $rsasa, old: $valuesasa"
      # if sasa is above threshold, store it
      #if {$rsasa >= $sasa_limit} {
      set resSASA($r) [ expr { $valuesasa + $rsasa/$totframes} ]
      # }
  set fw [open "res_sasa.dat" w]
  foreach r $residlist {
    foreach {tmp resName} [split [array get mapResidResname $r] ] break
    foreach {tmp valuesasa} [split [array get resSASA $r] ] break
    puts $fw "$r $resName $valuesasa"
  close $fw
  puts "done"

  # uncomment following code to change coloring method to "user based"
  #mol modcolor 0 [molinfo top] User
  #mol colupdate 0 [molinfo top] 1
  #mol scaleminmax [molinfo top] 0 auto