VMD-L Mailing List
From: John Stone (johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 03 2006 - 10:31:44 CST
- Next message: Morad Alawneh: "CMAP problem"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: installing IED on vmd on windows"
- In reply to: deepti sethi: "installation problem on solaris 9"
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Let us know if you still need any help with this.
John Stone
On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 01:57:55AM -0800, deepti sethi wrote:
> Dear all
> I ran into a problem while trying to install the
> vmd-1.8.3 on a Solaris 9 Ultra SPARC III. After
> extraction of the files, i am able to generate the
> "Makefile" by running "configure". But after that i
> can not run the 'Makefile' rather it gives a lot of
> error messages (some of them are given below).
> Can anyone suggest some solution?
> Deepti
> Error messages:
> ./Makefile: .SILENT:: command not found
> ./Makefile: CD: command not found
> ./Makefile: COPY: command not found
> ./Makefile: COPYDIR: command not found
> ./Makefile: MAKEDIR: command not found
> ./Makefile: MOVE: command not found
> ./Makefile: DELETE: command not found
> ./Makefile: DELETEDIR: command not found
> ./Makefile: ECHO: command not found
> ./Makefile: TAR: command not found
> ./Makefile: COMPRESS: command not found
> ./Makefile: GNUCOMPRESS: command not found
> ./Makefile: LATEX: command not found
> ./Makefile: VPATH: command not found
> ./Makefile: SHELL: command not found
> ./Makefile: .SUFFIXES:: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_CCPP: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_CC: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_H: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_YACC: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_LEX: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_DATA: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_EXTRA: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_OTHER_EXE: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_OTHER_NAMES: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_MAIN_DIR_FILES: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_CCPP:.C=.o: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_CC:.c=.o: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_OBJS: command not found
> ./Makefile: INCDIRS: command not found
> ./Makefile: LIBS: command not found
> ./Makefile: LIBDIRS: command not found
> ./Makefile: DEFINES: command not found
> ./Makefile: CC: command not found
> ./Makefile: DEFINES: command not found
> ./Makefile: INCDIRS: command not found
> ./Makefile: CFLAGS: command not found
> ./Makefile: COMPILERC: command not found
> ./Makefile: RCFLAGS: command not found
> ./Makefile: CCPP: command not found
> ./Makefile: DEFINES: command not found
> ./Makefile: INCDIRS: command not found
> ./Makefile: CPPFLAGS: command not found
> ./Makefile: DEPEND: command not found
> ./Makefile: DEPENDFILE: command not found
> ./Makefile: LIBDIRS: command not found
> ./Makefile: LIBS: command not found
> ./Makefile: LOADLIBES: command not found
> ./Makefile: LEX: command not found
> ./Makefile: YACC: command not found
> ./Makefile: YFLAGS: command not found
> ./Makefile: .C.o:: command not found
> ./Makefile: ECHO: command not found
> ./Makefile: --> : No such file or directory
> ./Makefile: CCPP: command not found
> ./Makefile: CPPFLAGS: command not found
> ./Makefile: -o: No such file or directory
> ./Makefile: .c.o:: command not found
> ./Makefile: ECHO: command not found
> ./Makefile: --> : No such file or directory
> ./Makefile: CC: command not found
> ./Makefile: CFLAGS: command not found
> ./Makefile: -o: No such file or directory
> ./Makefile: .y.o:: command not found
> ./Makefile: .l.o:: command not found
> ./Makefile: all: command not found
> ./Makefile: VMD_OBJS: command not found
> ./Makefile: vmd_SOLARIS2_64:: command not found
> ./Makefile: ECHO: command not found
> ./Makefile: Linking : command not found
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-- NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 Email: johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu Phone: 217-244-3349 WWW: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~johns/ Fax: 217-244-6078
- Next message: Morad Alawneh: "CMAP problem"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: installing IED on vmd on windows"
- In reply to: deepti sethi: "installation problem on solaris 9"
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