VMD-L Mailing List
From: Hans Martin Senn (senn_at_mpi-muelheim.mpg.de)
Date: Mon Jun 26 2006 - 03:01:03 CDT
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: bond information in psf file"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
- Reply: Hans Martin Senn: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
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Dear VMDers
When starting up VMD 1.8.4, I get the error message
ERROR) Compile of OpenGL shader /usr/local/lib/vmd/shaders/vmdsphere
I have appended the full VMD console output below. This is with an
Nvidia Quadro FX540/PCI/SSE2, OpenGL 2.0.2 Nvidia 87.62, Driver
1.0-8762. The system is an EMT64/SuSE 10.1 (Kernel
The resulting GLSL rendering looks fine. However, I would appreciate
if somebody could elucidate me about this error message. What's going
wrong and who is to blame?
Best regards
Info) OpenGL renderer: Quadro FX 540/PCI/SSE2
Info) OpenGL shader linkage log:
Info) Fragment info
Info) -------------
Info) Internal error: assembly compile error for fragment shader at
offset 3688:
Info) -- error message --
Info) line 84, column 9: error: invalid state property
Info) -- internal assembly text --
Info) !!ARBfp1.0
Info) OPTION NV_fragment_program2;
Info) # cgc version 1.5.0000, build date May 15 2006 13:37:55
Info) # command line args:
Info) #vendor NVIDIA Corporation
Info) #version
Info) #profile fp40
Info) #program main
Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneS : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.S
Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneT : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.T
Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneR : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.R
Info) #semantic gl_Fog : STATE.FOG
Info) #semantic vmdlight0
Info) #semantic vmdlightscale
Info) #semantic vmdprojparms
Info) #semantic vmdtexturemode
Info) #semantic vmdtex0
Info) #semantic vmdlight2
Info) #semantic vmdopacity
Info) #semantic vmdprojectionmode
Info) #semantic vmdlight3
Info) #semantic vmdfogmode
Info) #semantic vmdlight1
Info) #semantic vmdmaterial
Info) #var float gl_FogFragCoord : $vin.FOGC : FOGC : -1 : 1
Info) #var float4 gl_FragColor : $vout.COLOR : COL : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 gl_FragDepth : $vout.DEPR : DEPR : -1 : 1
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.S : c[9] :
-1 : 1
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.T : c[8] :
-1 : 1
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.R : c[7] :
-1 : 1
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float4 gl_Fog.color : STATE.FOG.COLOR : c[16] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float gl_Fog.density : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.X : c[5] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float gl_Fog.start : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.Y : : -1 : 0
Info) #var float gl_Fog.end : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.Z : c[5] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float gl_Fog.scale : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.W : c[5] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 oglcolor : $vin.TEX0 : TEX0 : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 rayorigin : $vin.TEX1 : TEX1 : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 vmdlight0 : : c[13] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float4 vmdlightscale : : c[11] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float4 vmdprojparms : : c[2] : -1 : 1
Info) #var int vmdtexturemode : : c[6] : -1 : 1
Info) #var sampler3D vmdtex0 : : texunit 0 : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 V : $vin.TEX2 : TEX2 : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 spherepos : $vin.TEX3 : TEX3 : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 vmdlight2 : : c[12] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float vmdopacity : : c[17] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float sphereradsq : $vin.TEX4 : TEX4 : -1 : 1
Info) #var int vmdprojectionmode : : c[0] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 vmdlight3 : : c[10] : -1 : 1
Info) #var int vmdfogmode : : c[3] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float3 vmdlight1 : : c[14] : -1 : 1
Info) #var float4 vmdmaterial : : c[15] : -1 : 1
Info) #var <none>4 $kill_0000 : $vout.$kill : $kill : -1 : 0
Info) #var <none>4 $kill_0001 : $vout.$kill : $kill : -1 : 0
Info) #const c[1] = 1 0.5 0 2
Info) #const c[4] = 3 1.442695
Info) PARAM c[18] = { program.local[0],
Info) { 1, 0.5, 0, 2 },
Info) program.local[2..3],
Info) { 3, 1.442695 },
Info) state.fog.params,
Info) program.local[6],
Info) state.texgen[0].eye.r,
Info) state.texgen[0].eye.t,
Info) state.texgen[0].eye.s,
Info) program.local[10..15],
Info) state.fog.color,
Info) program.local[17] };
Info) TEMP R0;
Info) TEMP R1;
Info) TEMP R2;
Info) TEMP R3;
Info) TEMP R4;
Info) TEMP RC;
Info) TEMP HC;
Info) OUTPUT oCol = result.color;
Info) MOVR R4.xy, c[1].xwzw;
Info) SEQR H0.xy, c[3].x, R4;
Info) DP3R R0.w, fragment.texcoord[2], fragment.texcoord[2];
Info) MOVR R1.w, c[1].x;
Info) SEQX H0.zw, H0.xyxy, c[1].z;
Info) MOVXC HC.x, H0;
Info) ADDR R0.x, -fragment.fogcoord, c[5].z;
Info) MULR_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x, c[5];
Info) MULR R0.x, fragment.fogcoord, -c[5];
Info) MOVR R2.w, c[1].x;
Info) MULXC HC.x, H0.z, H0.y;
Info) MULR R0.x, R0, c[4].y;
Info) EX2R_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x;
Info) MULR R0.x, -c[5], c[5];
Info) MULR R0.y, R0.x, fragment.fogcoord.x;
Info) MOVR R0.x, c[4];
Info) MULR R0.y, R0, fragment.fogcoord.x;
Info) SEQR H0.y, c[3].x, R0.x;
Info) MULX H0.x, H0.z, H0.w;
Info) MULR R0.x, R0.y, c[4].y;
Info) MULXC HC.x, H0, H0.y;
Info) EX2R_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x;
Info) MOVR R0.xyz, fragment.texcoord[1];
Info) ADDR R1.xyz, fragment.texcoord[3], -R0;
Info) RSQR R0.w, R0.w;
Info) MULR R0.xyz, R0.w, fragment.texcoord[2];
Info) DP3R R3.x, R0, R1;
Info) DP3R R3.z, R1, R1;
Info) MADR R3.y, R3.x, R3.x, fragment.texcoord[4].x;
Info) ADDR R0.w, R3.y, -R3.z;
Info) RSQR R0.w, R0.w;
Info) RCPR R3.w, R0.w;
Info) ADDR R0.w, R3.x, -R3;
Info) MADR R2.xyz, R0, R0.w, fragment.texcoord[1];
Info) DP4R R0.z, R2, c[7];
Info) DP4R R0.x, R2, c[9];
Info) DP4R R0.y, R2, c[8].yyzw;
Info) TEX R1.xyz, R0, texture[0], 3D;
Info) SEQRC HC.x, c[6], R4;
Info) MOVR R0.xyz, fragment.texcoord[0];
Info) MULR R0.xyz(NE.x), fragment.texcoord[0], R1;
Info) ADDR R1.y, -R2.z, -c[2].z;
Info) RCPR R1.x, R2.z;
Info) MULR R0.w, c[2].y, c[2].x;
Info) MADR R0.w, R0, R1.x, c[2].z;
Info) RCPR R1.z, c[2].w;
Info) MOVR R1.x, c[1];
Info) MADR R0.w, R1.z, R0, c[1].y;
Info) SEQRC HC.x, c[0], R1;
Info) MADR R0.w(EQ.x), R1.y, R1.z, c[1].y;
Info) SLTRC HC.x, R3, R3.w;
Info) ADDR R1.xyz, -fragment.texcoord[3], R2;
Info) DP3R R2.x, R1, R1;
Info) RSQR R2.x, R2.x;
Info) MULR R1.xyz, R2.x, R1;
Info) DP3R R2.w, R1, c[14];
Info) KIL GT.x;
Info) SLERC HC.x, R3.y, R3.z;
Info) DP3R R3.w, R1, c[13];
Info) DP3R R4.z, R1, c[10];
Info) MOVR R3.xyz, c[14];
Info) MULR R2.xyz, R1, R2.w;
Info) MADR R2.xyz, -R2, c[1].w, R3;
Info) DP3R R4.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R2;
Info) MOVR R3.xyz, c[13];
Info) MULR R2.xyz, R1, R3.w;
Info) MADR R2.xyz, -R2, c[1].w, R3;
Info) DP3R R2.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R2;
Info) MAXR R3.x, R4, c[1].z;
Info) POWR R2.y, R3.x, c[15].w;
Info) MAXR R2.x, R2, c[1].z;
Info) DP3R R4.x, R1, c[12];
Info) MULR R2.y, R2, c[11];
Info) POWR R2.x, R2.x, c[15].w;
Info) MADR R4.y, R2.x, c[11].x, R2;
Info) MULR R2.xyz, R1, R4.x;
Info) MOVR R3.xyz, c[12];
Info) MADR R3.xyz, -R2, c[1].w, R3;
Info) MOVR R2.xyz, c[10];
Info) MULR R1.xyz, R4.z, R1;
Info) MADR R1.xyz, -R1, c[1].w, R2;
Info) DP3R R1.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R1;
Info) DP3R R2.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R3;
Info) MAXR R1.y, R2.x, c[1].z;
Info) MAXR R1.x, R1, c[1].z;
Info) POWR R1.y, R1.y, c[15].w;
Info) MADR R1.y, R1, c[11].z, R4;
Info) POWR R1.x, R1.x, c[15].w;
Info) MADR R1.x, R1, c[11].w, R1.y;
Info) MAXR R1.z, R2.w, c[1];
Info) MULR R1.y, R1.z, c[11];
Info) MAXR R1.z, R3.w, c[1];
Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[11].x, R1;
Info) MAXR R1.z, R4.x, c[1];
Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[11].z, R1;
Info) MAXR R1.z, R4, c[1];
Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[11].w, R1;
Info) MADR R1.x, R1, c[15].z, c[15];
Info) MULR R1.y, R1, c[15];
Info) MADR R0.xyz, R0, R1.y, R1.x;
Info) ADDR R0.xyz, R0, -c[16];
Info) KIL GT.x;
Info) MADR oCol.xyz, R1.w, R0, c[16];
Info) MOVR result.depth.z, R0.w;
Info) MOVR oCol.w, c[17].x;
Info) END
Info) # 105 instructions, 5 R-regs, 1 H-regs
ERROR) Compile of OpenGL shader /usr/local/lib/vmd/shaders/vmdsphere
Info) Basic GLSL rendering mode is available.
Info) Textures: 2-D (4096x4096), 3-D (512x512x512), Multitexture (4)
Dr. Hans Martin Senn
Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1 Phone +49 (0)208 306
D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Fax +49 (0)208 306
Germany E-mail senn_at_mpi-
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: bond information in psf file"
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- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
- Reply: Hans Martin Senn: "Re: GLSL Compile Error (VMD 1.8.4, Nvidia Driver 8762)"
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