From: Rob (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2006 - 22:15:06 CDT


I use the precompiled version of 1.8.5 for Linux.

With 1.8.4, I used to compile the VASP plugin
myself and put it in place where VMD can use it.

Since 1.8.5, reading VASP output files is integrated
into VMD.

Particular VASP files are the POSCAR and CONTCAR
files, which contain the structure information.
With 1.8.4 and the separate plugin, the atomtypes
are read correctly (atoms/bonds appear in various
colors). However, with 1.8.5, atomtypes for POSCAR
and CONTCAR files are not recognized and all appear
in green (e.g. name/type = 'X').

I'd like to recompile the plugin *ONLY* and replace
the one which comes with 1.8.5 (without having to
recompile all the vmd code). This way I hope to
find out what's wrong with the VASP plugin.
Is this possible?

Very strange: I have removed all the vasp*.so in the
installation directory; but I can still read VASP
output files. Somehow, the VASP plugin does not
depend anymore on the *.so files in plugins-directory.
Is the VASP plugin now inside the vmd executable?
(If so, then debuggging the plugin is difficult!).

I hope someone can help me.


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