VMD-L Mailing List
From: John Stone (johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 03 2007 - 10:03:25 CST
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: box information amber crdbox"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Install and Configure Problems"
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I sent a reply to your other email on this topic yesterday, but
the mail must have bounced or gotten delayed somehow. I was able to load
and display your DX file without any problems. Have you tried just
loading the DX file all by itself? If you need more help with
coloring by potential, follow the steps in this short tutorial, and/or
try loading the example data I have provided with it:
The example data there is from ABPS, but it will work with your DX
files as well.
John Stone
On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 10:04:41AM +0000, himansu sekhar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a graduate student from India. I have down loaded VMD and installed in my PC. I wanted to visualise a DX file which contains elctrostatic potential grids calculated by the Checkden programme. After loading the DX file I got the following information that I have posted below, but I could not visualize the molecule with its potential. I am also sending the DX file as attachment. Would you please, go through this and give me some suggestion how to render the electrostaic potential. Eagerly waiting for your reply and help. One more thing I am using Window-XP (32-bit, 512mb RAM) not Unix and Linux.
> With regards,
> Himansu
> Info) OpenGL renderer: RADEON 9200 Series DDR x86/SSE2
> Info) Features: STENCIL MDE CVA MTX PP
> Info) GLSL rendering mode is NOT available.
> Info) Textures: 2-D (2048x2048), 3-D (512x512x512), Multitexture (6)
> Info) Spaceball driver not installed. Spaceball interface disabled.
> Info) No joysticks found. Joystick interface disabled.
> Found 57 plugins or data handlers in directory
> 'C:/Program Files/University of Illinois/VMD/plugins/WIN32/molfile'.
> vmd > Info) Can't show volumetric data; no filename selected yet
> Info) Analyzing Volume...
> Info) Grid size: 65x65x97 (6 MB)
> Info) Total voxels: 409825
> Info) Min: -73.741119 Max: 48073.070313 Range: 48146.811432
> Info) Computing volume gradient map for smooth shading
> Info) Added volume data, name=D:/Himansu/CheckDen/biphenyl-min_EP-3D.dx : regular positions regular connections
> Research Scholar
> Brahmagupta Hostel,Room no-211
> Dept. of Chemical Sciences
> T.I.F.R
> Homibhabha Road,Colaba
> MUMBAI-400005
> PHONE-022-22804545 extn-2420
-- NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 Email: johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu Phone: 217-244-3349 WWW: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~johns/ Fax: 217-244-6078
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: box information amber crdbox"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Install and Configure Problems"
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