VMD-L Mailing List
From: Jan Rychter (jan_at_rychter.com)
Date: Mon Apr 30 2007 - 05:39:33 CDT
- Next message: Jianhui Tian: "Re: Problem with periodic condition"
- Previous message: Cojocaru,Vlad: "RE: increase light under depth cueing"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: vmd 1.8.6 on MacOS X, with python support, anyone?"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: vmd 1.8.6 on MacOS X, with python support, anyone?"
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Does anyone have a build of VMD running under Mac OS X (Intel) with
Python support?
I've been trying to compile vmd 1.8.6 on MacOS X (10.4.9, Intel) with
Python support (I have 2.5 installed), and gave up. After much, much
fighting and manual makefile editing I got the executable to actually
build and link, but now running it results in a segfault. The terminal
[12:35] tnuctip:/Users/jwr>/Applications/VMD\ 1.8.6\ jwr.app/Contents/MacOS/startup.command; exit
Info) VMD for MACOSXX86, version 1.8.6 (April 29, 2007)
Info) Multithreading available, 2 CPUs detected.
ERROR) Exiting due to X-Windows OpenGL window creation failure.
Info) VMD for MACOSXX86, version 1.8.6 (April 29, 2007)
Info) Unable to create OpenGL window.
I have no idea why it tries to use X11, I thought it would use native
GL. I have it configured with
Any ideas? Perhaps someone has built such a binary and would be kind
enough to provide it?
- Next message: Jianhui Tian: "Re: Problem with periodic condition"
- Previous message: Cojocaru,Vlad: "RE: increase light under depth cueing"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: vmd 1.8.6 on MacOS X, with python support, anyone?"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: vmd 1.8.6 on MacOS X, with python support, anyone?"
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