VMD-L Mailing List
From: hl332_at_drexel.edu
Date: Wed May 16 2007 - 11:06:45 CDT
- Next message: Kailee: "question about making movies"
- Previous message: lnubiofox: "Re: namd-l: how to use measure hbonds to calculate occupancy of all hbonds in simulation?"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: absolute C.O.M motion calculation script: help"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: absolute C.O.M motion calculation script: help"
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Hi all,
I have been trying to do the following task:
1. Calculating position of center_of_masss of my protein relative to whole system center_of_mass.
i wrote a small script like this: (in this script center_of_mass is another 'proc' sourced before)
set outfile [open coord.dat w];
set nf [molinfo top get numframes]
set sel1 [atomselect top "protein or type ZN"]
set sel2 [atomselect top "all"]
for {set i 0 } {$i < $nf } { incr i } {
$sel1 frame $i
$sel2 frame $i
set protein [center_of_mass $sel1]
set all [center_of_mass $sel2]
set relative [vecsub $protein $all]
puts $outfile "$relative"
close $outfile
Now I have new coordinates of C.O.M of protein relative to whole system.
But i need this presently:
1. MOve the C.O.M of protein to this new position.
2. AND write a DCD file so that i can see absolute motion of protein when I already subtracted C.O.M of whole system from its (protein) C.O.M position
Any help to add these two-three modifying lines in my script will do great.
Thanks in advance
Harish Vashisth (Ph.D Candidate)
CAT-361,Chemical & Biological Engg.
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
office: 215-895-5823
- Next message: Kailee: "question about making movies"
- Previous message: lnubiofox: "Re: namd-l: how to use measure hbonds to calculate occupancy of all hbonds in simulation?"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: absolute C.O.M motion calculation script: help"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: absolute C.O.M motion calculation script: help"
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