From: Peter Tieleman (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 18:43:50 CST

That isn't straightforward, with or without VMD. Liposomes are rather big
for atomistic models, and people generally use small rectangular patches
with a few hundred lipids as bilayer model. Sources for lipid bilayer
structures that I am aware of (I'd be interested in hearing about
others) from the literature include Scot Feller's website, my website
and a POPC bilayer from Klaus Schulten's group.


Dr. D.P. Tieleman       | Lab of Molecular Biophysics
EMBO fellow             | South Parks Road
tel: ++44 1865 275380   | OX1 3QU, Oxford  
fax: ++44 1865 275182  	| United Kingdom
On Sat, 25 Mar 2000, Kemikal Kid Kolby wrote:
> Hi this is Kolby from the photosynthesis center at ASU.  I was wondering
> if anyone knew how to model bilayer membranes or liposomes with VMD.
> Thanks!
> -Kolby