VMD-L Mailing List
From: Joshua Adelman (jla65_at_pitt.edu)
Date: Sat Nov 06 2010 - 18:03:19 CDT
- Next message: Amor San Juan: "VMD: Ability to add terminal carbonyl oxygen"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: regarding merging of protein and a ligand"
- In reply to: vani panguluri: "regarding merging of protein and a ligand"
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Hi Vani,
You already asked this question and received several responses on this list already:
As I mentioned before, you might consider using topotools, but there are other ways to do this using tcl scripting as suggested by John. Again, if you provide specific steps that you already pursued someone might be able to provide more detailed suggestions.
Best wishes,
On Nov 6, 2010, at 4:43 PM, vani panguluri wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone help how to merge the ligand and protein??
> I had done that merging manually but i was unable to see the ligand when i had converted that pdb file into psf file by using automatic psf builder.
> can any one help me with some suggestions because i need to complete this one as early as possible.
> please provide me some suggestions.
> Thanks & regards,
> Vani
- Next message: Amor San Juan: "VMD: Ability to add terminal carbonyl oxygen"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: regarding merging of protein and a ligand"
- In reply to: vani panguluri: "regarding merging of protein and a ligand"
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