VMD-L Mailing List
From: ºÎع»Ô (he.yuhui.ime_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Dec 15 2010 - 03:37:53 CST
- Next message: David Huggins: "Save Atom Selection to DCD"
- Previous message: Ramya Narasimhan: "problem regarding the MC trajectory"
- Next in thread: Erik Nordgren: "Re: why atom positions are reset after readpsf, coordpdb commands?"
- Reply: Erik Nordgren: "Re: why atom positions are reset after readpsf, coordpdb commands?"
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Dear All,
I construct the pdb and psf files of a single-layer graphene, by
following the approach shown in the tutorial "Modeling Nanopores for
Sequencing DNA".
(Maybe it is helpful to give more details for the construction: first,
the pdb file of a single-layer graphene is constructed by recording
positions of each carbon atom on the graphene; then, sigma-bonds are
determined and recorded by measuring the distance between each two carbon
atoms; after that, angles formed by two neighbouring sigma-bonds are
determined and recorded.
I am aware that pi-bonds are not kept recorded of, since I have no idea
how to do that.)
After the construction of graphene, I hope to merge it with some other
membrane such as SiN. Codes are as follows:
package require psfgen
readpsf $graphenePSF
coordpdb $graphenePDB
readpsf $sinPSF
coordpdb $sinPDB
# Write the combination.
writepdb $finalPdb
writepsf $finalPsf
However, what I find in the final pdb is that nearly half of the
graphene carbon atoms have been moved to the coordinate origin, i.e, (0 0
Can anyone tell me what happens?
Thanks very much!
-- Ph. D He Yuhui (ºÎع»Ô) Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University; Mihogaoka 8-1, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047. JAPAN
- Next message: David Huggins: "Save Atom Selection to DCD"
- Previous message: Ramya Narasimhan: "problem regarding the MC trajectory"
- Next in thread: Erik Nordgren: "Re: why atom positions are reset after readpsf, coordpdb commands?"
- Reply: Erik Nordgren: "Re: why atom positions are reset after readpsf, coordpdb commands?"
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