From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Tue May 08 2012 - 08:16:53 CDT

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:25 PM, mohammad agha <> wrote:
> Dear Dr. Axel,
> Thank you very much from your response.
> After "vmd -dispdev text", was typed: /usr/local/lib/vmd/vmd_LINUX: Command
> not found.

this doesn't make much sense.
from this it appears, that you installed
the wrong VMD package (i.e. the 64bit
version on a 32-bit linux installation),
but there should not be a "flashing"
at all when you launch VMD.

in any case, carefully uninstall everything VMD,
determine your architecture. type: uname -m
if it says "x86_64" you need the 64-bit version
(LINUXAMD64), if it says i686 you need the
32-bit version (LINUX).

if that doesn't help, i can only guess that your
entire linux installation is somewhat messed up.


> Thank you again.
> Best Regards
> Sara
> ________________________________
> From: Axel Kohlmeyer <>
> To: mohammad agha <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:40 AM
> Subject: Re: vmd-l: flasshing the VMD
> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 10:13 PM, mohammad agha <> wrote:
>> Dear VMD Specialists,
>> I have one problem about VMD. May I ask you to help me, Please?
>> I installed VMD on my system (Linux) but when I type vmd in terminal, the
>> basic
>> page of VMD flash and disappear!!!
>> Can you help me about this problem, Please?
> please try running:
> vmd -dispdev text
> and report back to the list
> what is printed on the screen.
> axel.
>> Best Regards
>> Sara
> --
> Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
> College of Science and Technology
> Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
College of Science and Technology
Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.