VMD-L Mailing List
From: Andrew DeYoung (adeyoung_at_andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Tue May 15 2012 - 12:49:22 CDT
- Next message: jcorradi_at_criba.edu.ar: "Re: APBS for small molecules"
- Previous message: George Tzotzos: "Re: APBS for small molecules"
- Next in thread: Wang Yi: "Re: Making only a subset of atoms transparent (or otherwise non-emphasized)"
- Reply: Wang Yi: "Re: Making only a subset of atoms transparent (or otherwise non-emphasized)"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Making only a subset of atoms transparent (or otherwise non-emphasized)"
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Is it possible to make only certain atoms transparent? I have a PDB file
with 438 atoms. I would like to display all of them, but I only want to
draw attention to a small number of them. I would like:
atoms 73,76,128,133,377,378,379,380,437,438 to be opaque
all remaining atoms to be transparent (or non-emphasized in some other way).
Thank you!
Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University
- Next message: jcorradi_at_criba.edu.ar: "Re: APBS for small molecules"
- Previous message: George Tzotzos: "Re: APBS for small molecules"
- Next in thread: Wang Yi: "Re: Making only a subset of atoms transparent (or otherwise non-emphasized)"
- Reply: Wang Yi: "Re: Making only a subset of atoms transparent (or otherwise non-emphasized)"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Making only a subset of atoms transparent (or otherwise non-emphasized)"
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