VMD-L Mailing List
From: Andrew DeYoung (adeyoung_at_andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 15 2014 - 16:46:00 CDT
- Next message: Ashar Malik: "Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
- Previous message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: python 2.7 probelms"
- Next in thread: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Labeling atoms by index"
- Reply: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Labeling atoms by index"
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In an archived message on this mailing list (
http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/mailing_list/vmd-l/9356.html ), there is
a recipe by John Stone for labeling all atoms of a molecule:
proc label_atoms { molid seltext } {
set sel [atomselect $molid $seltext]
set atomlist [$sel list]
foreach {atom} $atomlist {
set atomlabel [format "%d/%d" $molid $atom]
label add Atoms $atomlabel
$sel delete
which John Stone explains can be called with:
set molid [molinfo top]
label_atoms $molid "name CA"
When I use this recipe, the labels appear to be the residue and atom names.
How can I modify the above recipe so that the atom indices (e.g., 0, 1, 2,
..) -- which, according to "Selections" in the "Graphical Representations"
window, are referred to by "index" -- are displayed instead?
Thank you very much for your time!
Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University
- Next message: Ashar Malik: "Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
- Previous message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: python 2.7 probelms"
- Next in thread: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Labeling atoms by index"
- Reply: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Labeling atoms by index"
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