VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ashar Malik (asharjm_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Aug 15 2014 - 21:23:48 CDT
- Next message: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
- Previous message: Andrew DeYoung: "Labeling atoms by index"
- Next in thread: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
- Reply: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
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I work with VMD 1.9.1 and want to know how to change the topology files
that VMD uses when I am using the AutoPSF generate plugin.
I want to update those files to match the latest files available with the
most recent CHARMM36 release.
VMD 1.9.1
currently holds an old release of the files.
I want to add the new topology files here and parameters files to
readcharmmpar1.2 so that i can work with the most optimized values.
-- Best, /A
- Next message: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
- Previous message: Andrew DeYoung: "Labeling atoms by index"
- Next in thread: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
- Reply: Maxim Belkin: "Re: Parameter and Topology File UPDATE."
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