VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ashar Malik (asharjm_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sat Jan 17 2015 - 00:27:13 CST
- Next message: Ashar Malik: "Re: Is a PDB file hiding something ???"
- Previous message: Emilio Lence: "Can I load NetCDF trajectories from AMBER in VMD on a Windows machine?"
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The coordinates in the PDB file of an atom are:
75.146 114.983 -86.817
for {set i $first} {$i < $last} {incr i} {
set sel3 [atomselect top "resid $i and name C1'"]
puts [$sel3 get {x y z}]
they are returned as:
{75.14600372314453 114.98300170898438 -86.81700134277344}
Maybe I am missing some understanding of something here:
How does VMD/TCL script get the higher precision??
Any comments anyone ??
-- Best, /A
- Next message: Ashar Malik: "Re: Is a PDB file hiding something ???"
- Previous message: Emilio Lence: "Can I load NetCDF trajectories from AMBER in VMD on a Windows machine?"
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