From: Norman Geist (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2015 - 02:34:06 CST



I guess you might get closer to the expected representation when using the coloring method “Volume”, selecting the same volumetric data set used for the volume slice.


Norman Geist.


Von: [] Im Auftrag von Walter Huang
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015 04:08
Betreff: vmd-l: coloring scheme in "VolumeSlice"


Dear vmd users,


Could anyone tell me what exactly is the coloring scheme used in the drawing method "VolumeSlice"? By comparing a contour plot by Origin from the data in that "Slice" with the VMD VolumeSlice, it seems that the generated figure is not colored by the absolute value but something else. Am i right?


Best regards,

