From: Daniel Möller (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2015 - 07:18:15 CST



as additional information my configuration for ffmpeg:


ffmpeg -an -i /tmp/movie.%05d.ppm -vcodec mpeg2video -q 1 - s hd1080 /tmp/movie.mpeg


-an (audio disabled); -i (input files; you can’t change the number part, so don’t have more than 10000 frames (0-99999)); -q (quality - 1 (best)); -s (size; look in the help or the internet which you need/want)

more: -r (fps); -vstats_file /tmp/log.log (output in a file)


I hope this helps.


Daniel Möller


Von: [] Im Auftrag von Norman Geist
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Januar 2015 09:41
An: 'sunyeping'
Cc: VMD Mailing List
Betreff: AW: vmd-l: The quality of movie made by VMD




this is related to the default options VMD passes to the program which actually links all the pictures made by VMD to a video file at last. You can disable the option to “delete image files” under “movie settings” in the movie maker window and use ffmpeg or ppmtompeg later manually, using higher quality settings. You will usually find all the pictures in /tmp.


You might also be interested in <> for easy animations in movies.


Also the best renderer is actually Tachyon. Optionally by enabling “ambient occlusion” and “shadows” under VMD Main->Display->DisplaySettings, but this makes it way slower.


Norman Geist.


Von: [] Im Auftrag von sunyeping
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Januar 2015 04:46
An: vmd-l
Betreff: vmd-l: The quality of movie made by VMD



Dear VMD users,


I am preparing movie from my MD simulation trajectory using the movie maker plugin of VMD. But I find the quality of the movie I made is unsatisfying when comparing with those published. For example, the movie published by DE Shaw ( has a higher solution than mine ( I have the following question:


(1) I made my movie as mpg format with VMD and then save it as mp4 format with VideoMach. Was Shaw's movie also made by VMD and and VideoMach? Or was it made by other software?

(2) What is the representation of the structure in Shaw's movie? I guess it is Cartoon/New Cartoon in VMD. But when applying Cartoon/New Cartoon representation in my structure, it doesn't look as beautiful as Shaw's.

(3) I use POV-Ray render in VMD which generate images with the higher solution than any other reder setting. But the solution is still lower compared with Shaw's movie. How was Shaw's movie rendered?


Thanks in advance.

Yeping Sun

Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences